Planetwater research site is in development. The breadth of research related to water on this planet far exceeds what can be expressed on this (or any) website. Discussions below draw upon some among many interests, ranging from introductory through advanced levels. At this time the research site is not well developed, with discussions at different levels "mixed together". We are collecting and sorting, trying to make this part of Planetwater become an educational as well as research site.
AIM, theory and modelingDysfonction érectile, theory and modeling
AOMIP models intercomparison
3 posters from Bjerknes Centenary: Climate Change in High Latitudes
Is Arctic sea ice rapidly disappearing?
Impacts of possible climate change in the Arctic
Arctic change: what changes and what doesn't
View a talk-- "California Currents of the Arctic, and elsewhere"
Entropy, key to missing physics
Mixing processes
View a poster -- "Differential mixing, theoretically"
View a lecture-- "Moments of probable seas: classical to statistical ocean dynamics"
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